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Yemaya (Santeria)
Yemaya is known as the Mother of Waters, and also as "the mother of the fishes" (and the fish symbol, used as a symbol of Christ to this day, is associated with her also). She is said to dress in seven skirts of blue and white. Yemaya is often associated with Isis, a goddess to whom the Blessed Virgin Mary has often been compared. Mary has also been called the Star of the Sea (Stella Maris). Yemaya has been depicted as the wellspring and fountain of life. She is also depicted as a mermaid (La Sirene), and is associated not only with the ocean, but also with the moon and lunar mysteries.
(V.ENC) Online Voodoo Information Pages http://www.arcana.com/voodoo/encyclopedia updated 7/19/99
Sadly, the Voodoo Information
Pages seem to have gone offline.
Secrets of Voodoo by Milo Rigaud, English language edition 1969, 1985
(DL) Descriptions
of Various Loa of Voodoo http://www.webster.edu/~corbetre/haiti/voodoo
/biglist.htm printed 12/8/2001
Also with thanks to http://new-www.frankenhooker.com/denofiniquity/voodoo/