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Ibo Lele
(DL) He is independent and hateful; proud of himself and ambitious. He likes to be exclusively served and doesn't like to associate with the other loa. He relies heavily on the people for his food, but the people are never certain what kind of food he is likely to eat.
(V.ENC) In vodou, there are a series of initiation rituals, each one taking place as a devotee gains a higher level of knowledge of vodou traditions and standing in the community. Initiation rituals can only take place in Haiti.
(V.ENC) The ritual introduction of a loa to a new hounfort; this term also sometimes refers to possession, when the loa installs himself in a devotee.
Invoking the loa
(V.ENC) At the climax of the ritual, the houngan calls the loa. To invoke the loa, the priest strikes the vévés with his asson, which obliges the loa to descend to earth. .
(V.ENC) Online Voodoo Information Pages http://www.arcana.com/voodoo/encyclopedia updated 7/19/99
Sadly, the Voodoo Information
Pages seem to have gone offline.
Secrets of Voodoo by Milo Rigaud, English language edition 1969, 1985
(DL) Descriptions
of Various Loa of Voodoo http://www.webster.edu/~corbetre/haiti/voodoo
/biglist.htm printed 12/8/2001
Also with thanks to http://new-www.frankenhooker.com/denofiniquity/voodoo/