Ravens belong to the family Corvidae. ravens are believed to be the most intelligent of all birds.



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Everything that exists has has some type of symbology attached to it. Raven is by no means an exception. Below you will find a few of the more commonly used symbological associations to Raven.


"Raven . . . black as pitch, Mystical as the moon, Speak to me of magic, I will fly with your soon". Throughout time Raven has carried the medicine of magic. Raven magic is powerful medicine that can give you the courage to enter the darkness of the void, which is the home of all that is not yet in form. Raven is the messenger of the void. If Raven appears in your spread, you are about to experience a change in consciousness. Raven is the guardian of ceremonial magic and in absentia healing. In any healing circle, Raven is present. Raven is the messenger that carries all energy flows of ceremonial magic between the ceremony itself and the intended destination. Reversed Raven can indicate a boomerang effect - bad wishes for others rebound back on you. Or it may be telling you that you have forgotten the magic of life and settled in to a mundane rut. It may also portend a time of smoky, confused messages that you cannot see or hear because your "intellect" is insisting that magic is not real.

As based in the "Medicine Cards"...



Symbology - creation, magic, illumination. "The raven is frequently associated with powerful magic and omens. Its symbolism parallels that of the coyote and rabbit in Native American myths, and it is worshipped as a deity. The Haida and Tlingit peoples of western Canada and Alaska revered the raven as a hero and helper of human beings, a role reflected in the bird's prominent position in the totems of the Northwest. The raven is believed to have placed the sun, moon, and stars in the sky, bringing light to the people both day and night."

As based in the "Animal Spirit Cards"...



Symbology : Kingdom - Strength, Trine - Challenge, Teaching - Challenge of Darkness. Characteristics: Foreknowledge, Prophecy, Cunning, Intelligence, Change, Battle, Opportunism, Selfishness, Scavenging, Protection. In a spread, the Raven represents a sharp, quick intelligence and the talent to anticipate or predict events. It can signify the ability to turn any situation to personal advantage, sometimes without regard for the consequences or for others. It may also suggest a tendency towards dangerous pursuits of various kinds. The Raven has an appetite for the acquisition of knowledge, and shows how to use that knowledge to its own best advantage. Spiral Path Meaning: Challenge of Darkness. The Raven offers the challenge of the unknown. With its prophetic cry muted, it teaches the ability to overcome the dark forces of uncertainty, ignorance and death."

As based in Beasts of Albion Cards"...




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