Copyright © 2002 e.v. Anno IVx


The contents of this are rituals/meditations taken from my own Book of Shadows. It is politely asked that these contents remain within the Order of Baphomet and be shared with no other. Some of them are slightly revised. There are instances when it is asked that the aspirant cuts Him/Herself with a razor; this may be simulated.

This page courtesy of Frater Per Ignvm Ad Lvcem. THANK YOU.


Materials required:

  • Black candles
  • Red candles
  • White candles
  • Image of Baphomet
  • Ritual Dagger
  • Incense
  • Oil
  • Red Wine
  • Black Thread


Materials (optional):

  • A Razor
  • A Skull (human-it can be fake, yes)
  • The Skull of any horned animal
  • A Black, Hooded Robe
  • A Red, Hooded Robe


constructed by: Frater Per Ingvm Ad Lvcem and Soror De Profundis Ad Lvcem

(Arrange candles as you see fit* There must be one male and one female conducting this rite)

Knight of Mendez (male): "In nomine Baphe Metis, here begins the Great Work of the Infernal Union of Lilith, the Black Goddess and Samayel, the guardian of the Black Pillar."

The Knight gets of one kness and points the dagger at the vagina of the Empress of Mendez (female) and asks, "Do you willfully offer yourself as a Sacrifice to Lord Baphomet of Boundless Darkness and Light Eternal."

Upon the Empress agreeing, the Knight proceeds to perform oral sex on her intensely until she reaches orgasm.

Both stand and the Knight instructs the Empress to cut a cross in her arm with a razor. When she does, she drips some of the blood into a chalice of urine. The Knights drinks it and says, "Fluid of Our Bodies, may we reach the Aethyrs of the Horned One in this Unholy Union." He then wipes the blood from her arm all of his lips and her lips. She then takes more blood from her arm and paints a cross on the Knight's forhead. Embrace and kiss passionately.

The Knight then places his penis into the Empress' mouth and says thus: "The Union of Lilith and Samayel hath devoured both heart and soul of myself and my Empress divine."

The Knight proceeds to have engage in oral sex with the Empress again until she reaches orgasm.

Stand again and paint an upsidedown cross on each other's breast. Then with daggers, face each other and trace an averse pentegram torward one another.

Knight: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

Empress: "Love is the law, love under will."

Knight: "We have become One; Baphomet We Are."

Empress: "So mote it be."

Knight: "It is done."

Close Temle.


Arranged by: Frater Per Ignvm Ad Lvcem

(Arrange candles as ye will. Fix a black and red thread intertwined about your neck)

With oil, paint a cross on your forehead.

"In nomine Baphomet, reveal unto me your Khabs Am Pekht."

Take a sip of red wine,

"It is unto you I come, O secret Lord o'er the abyss, questioner, accuser, and adversary of the faithfully blind and self-forsaken. Shelter me in your embrace and breathe the breath of your wisdom unto me, O Prince of Air, Son of the Morning Star. Sacred is your completion, Holy is your balance; all encompassing Star within thy circle that is the cross and phallus. Out of the mystery of Darkness cometh all Light. INRI- In Natura Renovatur Integra- Fire Renews Nature Completely. You, the pre-Ad'amite who hath lasted ever to the reign into the hour in which I come to thee, reveal your wonders to me and may you place your kiss upon my brow so that my third eye shall awaken and I may see clearly the Light, Love and Infernal Blessings you hath bestowed upon me. Ararita! Ararita! Ararita! AUM."

Meditate for 5-10 minutes before proceeding into mundane activity.


Arranged by: Frater Per Ignvm Ad Lvcem

Place one Black candle to your left.
Place one white candle to your right.
Place one or more Red candles before you.
Place an Image of Baphomet before you.
Rub an upside-down cross on your left wrist with oil.
Rub a right-side-up cross on your right wrist with oil.

"Thee I invoke, the Bornless One, Baphomet, The Goat of Golgotha and Mendez. In nomine Baphe Metis, I implore thee!"

Cut a cross in your left knee until there's enough blood to paint a cross on your forehead. Upon putting the cross on your forehead, kneel on the one knee that has been cut and say, "I offer up my blood this night unto thee of completion, Lord of Boundless Darkness and Light Eternal, Sophia of Wisdom and Binah, O Familiar & Infernal Absolute that hath no name, O Baphomet who is the Androgyne of the Secret Temple of Solomon, the Union of Samayel and Lilith, Goddess of the Fallen."

Take a large drink of wine.

Raise the dagger to your lips and kiss it.

"And unto this Blade of Baphomet,
Hir penetrating mystery,
Hir Shadow ever secured,
Hir mystery forever veiled,
Hir completion ever Absolute,
Hir, God of Light and of the SUN,
Hir, Goddess of Darkness and of the Moon,
I am intertwined with your essence this night, embrace me and may I be the Star of your Illuminating Darkness, and unto you may I forever seek the wisdom of you who hath no origin.

I bless the dead!
Destroy the Bondage of Restriction and free me from the ravages of the Dead Christ and E'er Dying God, and Dying World so I shalt be born anew in your essence. So mote it be.

It is done."

Close the Temple.




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Copyright ©Beyond Hidden Realms 2004